4 Days trip in France

Budget: 1900 USD - 3000 USD Outdoor adventures City sightseeing Beach activities
Francecover image

France, a country with a rich history and diverse landscapes, is known for its art, culture, cuisine, and iconic landmarks. From the romantic streets of Paris to the picturesque countryside and stunning coastline, France offers a captivating experience for visitors. With its world-class museums, vibrant cities, and charming villages, it is a destination that showcases a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity.

General Infomation

Exchange Rate of 1 USD to EUR
️ 7.88°C
Best Way to Get Around
TGV (high-speed train)
Vélib' (bike-sharing)

Day 1

  1. Calanques National Park

    240 minutes

    Take a hike at the Calanques National Park, beautiful scenery and varying routes to choose from. Start at Luminy and enjoy the Mediteranean Sea.

  2. Notre-Dame de la Garde

    90 minutes

    Visit the iconic Basilica, best view of the city from the top. Bustling atmosphere, enjoy the view of the harbor and the Mediterranean Sea.

  3. Le Poulpe

    75 minutes

    Enjoy a seafood dinner with a view of the Mediterranean Sea in a coastal town, La Ciotat. Try the local classic, Bouillabaisse.

Day 2

  1. Camargue

    360 minutes

    Join a wildlife tour for an opportunity to see the wild horses, bulls and flamingos. Statue of Mistral in Arles is also a popular sightseeing spot.

  2. Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer

    120 minutes

    Visit this mediterranean town with soft sandy beaches. End the day relaxing by the sea and sipping on refreshing tropical drinks.

Day 3

  1. Verdon Gorge

    480 minutes

    Head towards the Grand Canyon du Verdon for a day trip of kayaking, rafting and other water sports activities. Greet the Alpine thrives at Moustiers-Sainte-Marie.

  2. Paradiso Beach Club

    240 minutes

    End the day with a fancy lounge-style dinner and sunset cocktails at Cassis. Paradiso Beach Club is the perfect spot for a luxurious dining experience by the sea.

Day 4

  1. L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue

    180 minutes

    Explore the town of antique dealers and markets. The 'Venice of Comtat Venaissin' is not only famous for its canals, but also for its unique cuisine. Try their Bouillabaisse or Aïoli for lunch.

  2. Gordes

    120 minutes

    Visit this medieval hilltop village filled with narrow cobblestone streets and architecture untouched since the Renaissance.

  3. Cave de la Chartreuse

    120 minutes

    Top off the day with a tour of their distillery and round it off with a sample of the Chartreuse selection. 200 years of history and heritage, a must-visit.

Estimated Cost (USD)


20-50 USD per night
80-200 USD per night
50-150 USD per night


1.5-3 USD per trip
1.5-5 USD per trip
25-35 USD per hour


Street Food
5-10 USD per meal
15-30 USD per meal
Gourmet Cuisine
60-100 USD per meal


Entry to museums and monuments
10-25 USD per person
Outdoor Adventure
50-100 USD per activity
Beach Activities
20-50 USD per activity

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