4 Days trip in United States

Budget: 0 USD - 2000 USD City sightseeing Food exploration Nightlife Festivals/events Outdoor adventures Shopping Spa and wellness retreats
United Statescover image

The United States is a federal republic located in North America, known for its diverse geography, history, and culture. It is a world superpower and a melting pot of cultures.

General Infomation

Exchange Rate of 1 USD to USD
Washington, D.C.
GMT -0400 (Eastern Time Zone)
Best Way to Get Around

Day 1

  1. Minneapolis Sculpture Garden

    120 minutes

    The Minneapolis Sculpture Garden is a must-visit if you're interested in art. It's home to more than 40 sculptures, including the famous Spoonbridge and Cherry sculpture. You can take a leisurely walk through the garden and marvel at the artworks.

  2. Nicollet Mall

    180 minutes

    Nicollet Mall is a pedestrian-friendly shopping and dining district located in downtown Minneapolis. It has plenty of shops and restaurants to browse through. Try some local cuisine.

  3. First Avenue

    180 minutes

    First Avenue is a legendary music venue that's hosted countless famous acts. Enjoy a live music performance and experience the excitement of this iconic venue.

Day 2

  1. Minnehaha Falls Regional Park

    120 minutes

    Minnehaha Falls Regional Park is a beautiful park that's perfect for hiking, biking, and picnicking. You can also relax with the sound of waterfall.

  2. Midtown Global Market

    120 minutes

    The Midtown Global Market is a bustling indoor market that has a variety of food stalls featuring cuisine from all around the world. You can grab a tasty lunch here.

  3. Theatre in the Round

    120 minutes

    Theatre in the Round is a unique theater that stages shows in the round. It's a great way to experience live theater in a different way.

Day 3

  1. Walker Art Center

    120 minutes

    Walker Art Center is a contemporary art museum that features some of the most interesting, cutting-edge works in the art world today. Explore the museum's exhibitions and take in its architecture and sculptures.

  2. Cedar Lake Trail

    120 minutes

    Cedar Lake Trail is a peaceful bike trail that runs alongside Cedar Lake. Soak in the gorgeous views and enjoy the fresh air.

  3. Up-Down Arcade Bar

    180 minutes

    Up-Down Arcade Bar is a great place to spend the evening. It has a wide selection of classic video games and pinball machines, as well as craft beer on tap.

Day 4

  1. Minneapolis Institute of Art

    120 minutes

    Minneapolis Institute of Art is an encyclopedic art museum featuring works from Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. It's a perfect place to spend a morning and learn about different art cultures.

  2. Lake Harriet

    120 minutes

    Lake Harriet is a beautiful lake surrounded by walking paths. You can take a serene stroll, visit a rose garden, or rent some boats or paddleboards.

  3. Bauhaus Brew Labs

    180 minutes

    Bauhaus Brew Labs is a fun beer hall featuring outdoor picnic tables, food trucks, and live music. It's a great place to relax and unwind.

Estimated Cost (USD)


25-50 USD per night
Mid-range hotel
120-200 USD per night
Airbnb apartment
60-150 USD per night


Metro Transit
2 USD per ride
20-40 USD per ride
Bike rental
10-20 USD per day


Street food
5-10 USD per meal
Mid-range restaurant
20-30 USD per meal
Fine dining
50-100 USD per meal


Museum entrance fee
10-15 USD per person
Concert or show ticket
25-100 USD per person
Outdoor adventure activity (e.g. kayaking, hiking, etc)
50-100 USD per person

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