6 Days trip in Austria

Budget: 1000 USD - 3000 USD Historical landmarks Shopping
Austriacover image

Austria is a landlocked country in Central Europe known for its stunning Alpine scenery, rich cultural heritage, and friendly people. The country has a long history dating back to the Roman Empire and has played an important role in European history ever since.

General Infomation

Exchange Rate of 1 USD to EUR
️ 9.57°C
Best Way to Get Around

Day 1

  1. Schönbrunn Palace

    120 minutes

    Visit the imperial summer palace and take a tour to experience the history and grandeur of the Habsburg dynasty.

  2. Naschmarkt

    90 minutes

    Explore the largest open-air market in Vienna and sample some local delicacies or buy unique souvenirs.

  3. Stephansplatz

    60 minutes

    Take a stroll around the iconic Stephansplatz Cathedral and admire the stunning architecture.

Day 2

  1. Hofburg Palace

    120 minutes

    Explore the former imperial residence of the Habsburgs and marvel at the opulent architecture and furnishings.

  2. Mariahilferstrasse

    180 minutes

    Head to the longest shopping street in Vienna and shop till you drop with a variety of high-street stores and boutiques.

  3. Prater Amusement Park

    120 minutes

    Experience the thrill of the rides or indulge in some traditional Austrian cuisine at this famous amusement park.

Day 3

  1. Belvedere Palace

    120 minutes

    Discover the beautiful baroque architecture of the summer residence of Prince Eugene of Savoy and visit the famous art museums.

  2. Kärntner Strasse

    180 minutes

    Stroll down the pedestrian shopping street and browse through luxury boutiques and flagship stores.

  3. Rathausplatz

    90 minutes

    Experience the stunning architecture of the City Hall in Vienna and enjoy the outdoor square and event space.

Day 4

  1. Stadtpark

    120 minutes

    Take a break from the city and relax in one of the most beautiful parks in Vienna with sculptures, monuments and ponds.

  2. Graben

    120 minutes

    Visit one of the oldest markets of Vienna and buy unique souvenirs and fresh local produce as well as enjoy a meal in one of the many cafes and restaurants.

  3. Viennese Wine Garden

    120 minutes

    Relax in a garden with a glass of fine Austrian wine and watch the sunset.

Day 5

  1. Kunsthistorisches Museum

    180 minutes

    Explore the largest art museum in Austria with priceless treasures of the Habsburgs and the world-renowned collection of Bruegel.

  2. Dorotheum

    120 minutes

    Visit one of the oldest auction houses in the world and buy or sell rare antiques, paintings and jewelry.

  3. Opera House

    180 minutes

    Experience the magic of an opera performance or a ballet at one of the most beautiful opera houses in the world.

Day 6

  1. Schwedenplatz

    120 minutes

    Shop for trendy clothes and accessories or try some traditional Viennese dishes in the multicultural district of Schwedenplatz.

  2. Vienna Prater Christmas Market

    120 minutes

    Experience the festivity of Christmas and buy unique gifts, decorations and desserts at the famous Vienna Prater Christmas Market.

  3. Museumsquartier

    120 minutes

    Take a walk around the largest cultural area in Austria with museums, galleries and cafes.

Estimated Cost (USD)


15-30 per night
Budget Hotel
50-100 per night
40-150 per night


Public Transport (metro, bus)
2-4 per trip
2.50 start, 1.50 per km
Bike Rental
15-25 per day


Street Food
5-10 per meal
Casual Restaurant
15-25 per meal
Upscale Restaurant
50-100 per meal


Schonbrunn Palace
20 entrance fee
Hofburg Palace
15 entrance fee
Belvedere Palace
16 entrance fee

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