7 Days trip in United States

Budget: 0 USD - 500 USD Food exploration Beach activities
United Statescover image

The United States is a federal republic located in North America, known for its diverse geography, history, and culture. It is a world superpower and a melting pot of cultures.

General Infomation

Exchange Rate of 1 USD to USD
Washington, D.C.
GMT -0400 (Eastern Time Zone)
Best Way to Get Around

Day 1

  1. Klyde Warren Park

    120 minutes

    Start off your trip by visiting the Klyde Warren Park in Dallas. This urban park is filled with various activities, such as a reading and games area, a dog park, and food trucks.

  2. Neighborhood Atelier

    180 minutes

    Head over to Neighborhood Atelier in Houston for some delicious craft beer and creole style food.

  3. San Antonio River Walk

    240 minutes

    End your day in San Antonio by exploring the beautiful River Walk, where you can enjoy a river boat tour, various dining options, and beautiful views.

Day 2

  1. Texas Discovery Gardens

    120 minutes

    Spend your morning exploring the Texas Discovery Gardens in Dallas, where you can see a variety of butterflies and beautiful gardens.

  2. NASA Johnson Space Center

    300 minutes

    Continue your adventure by visiting the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, where you can experience a space shuttle replica, learn about space travel history and see real astronauts training.

  3. The Alamo

    180 minutes

    End your day by visiting the iconic Alamo in San Antonio, where you can learn about the historic battle and see artifacts and exhibits related to the history of Texas.

Day 3

  1. The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza

    120 minutes

    Start your day by learning about the history of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy at The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza in Dallas.

  2. Gerald D. Hines Waterwall Park

    180 minutes

    Continue exploring Houston by visiting the Gerald D. Hines Waterwall Park, where you can take beautiful photos and relax in the sun.

  3. San Antonio Missions National Historical Park

    120 minutes

    Spend your evening by learning about the history and culture of San Antonio at the San Antonio Missions National Historical Park, where you can explore various missions and learn about the impact of Spanish colonization.

Day 4

  1. Dallas Farmers Market

    180 minutes

    Start your day by indulging in some delicious local food and fresh produce at the Dallas Farmers Market.

  2. The Menil Collection

    120 minutes

    Continue your adventure by visiting the Menil Collection in Houston, where you can admire various art pieces and exhibitions for free.

  3. The Pearl Brewery

    240 minutes

    Enjoy some craft beer and delicious food at the Pearl Brewery in San Antonio, where you can also explore various shops, live music, and beautiful views.

Day 5

  1. Fort Worth Stockyards

    180 minutes

    Experience the old west culture at the Fort Worth Stockyards in Dallas, where you can admire cattle drives, watch a rodeo and explore various shops and restaurants.

  2. Houston Zoo

    180 minutes

    Visit the Houston Zoo and experience various animal exhibits and attractions like giraffes, zebras, and elephants.

  3. The Guenther House

    240 minutes

    End your day by indulging in some delicious brunch items at The Guenther House in San Antonio, where you can also explore the historic house and bakery.

Day 6

  1. Perot Museum of Nature and Science

    180 minutes

    Explore the world of natural sciences at the Perot Museum in Dallas, where you can experience various exhibits and learn about different fields of science.

  2. The Health Museum

    120 minutes

    Explore the world of health and medicine at The Health Museum in Houston, where you can experience various activity zones and exhibits related to the human body.

  3. The River Walk

    240 minutes

    End your day by exploring the iconic San Antonio River Walk, choosing from various dining options and enjoying beautiful views and serene environment.

Day 7

  1. Dallas Museum of Art

    180 minutes

    Start your day by exploring the various exhibits and galleries at the Dallas Museum of Art, which offers a collection of art from around the world.

  2. Houston Galleria

    300 minutes

    Spend your afternoon shopping and enjoying a variety of activities at the Houston Galleria, filled with shops selling luxury brands, cafes, restaurants, and an ice rink in the center of the area.

  3. Tower of the Americas

    240 minutes

    End your day by visiting the Tower of the Americas in San Antonio, where you can enjoy beautiful views of the city from the observation deck, and dine at the revolving Chart House restaurant.

Estimated Cost (USD)


20-30 USD per night
40-60 USD per night
Budget Hotel
50-70 USD per night


Public Bus/Metro
1-3 USD per trip
10-20 USD per trip
Bike Rental
8-15 USD per day


Street Food
5-10 USD per meal
Casual Dining
10-20 USD per meal
Fine Dining
30-50 USD per meal


Museum Visit
10-20 USD per person
Beach Activities
Free (if just lounging) to 50-100 USD (if renting equipment or taking a tour)
Theme Park Admission
50-100 USD per person

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