7 Days trip in Argentina

Budget: 0 USD - 3000 USD Cultural experiences
Argentinacover image


General Infomation

Exchange Rate of 1 USD to ARS
ARS 352.82
Buenos Aires
GMT -3:00
Best Way to Get Around

Day 1

  1. Museo Histórico Provincial Dr. Julio Marc

    120 minutes

    Explore the exhibits and artifacts at this fascinating historical museum.

  2. Costanera Este

    180 minutes

    Stroll along the river and take in the beautiful views of the city skyline.

  3. Bar El Cairo

    120 minutes

    Enjoy a traditional Argentine dinner and soak up the lively atmosphere at this iconic bar.

Day 2

  1. Plaza 25 de Mayo

    60 minutes

    Visit the heart of the city and take in the impressive architecture and bustling activity.

  2. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo

    120 minutes

    Explore this unique museum dedicated to contemporary art and design.

  3. Parque Nacional a la Bandera

    180 minutes

    Take a leisurely stroll through this lovely park and learn about the country's flag history.

Day 3

  1. Mercado del Puerto

    120 minutes

    Savor a delicious lunch at the famous market known for grilled meats and local cuisine.

  2. Museo del Che Guevara

    120 minutes

    Learn about the life and legacy of the iconic revolutionary figure at this informative museum.

  3. El Club de la Milanesa

    120 minutes

    Enjoy a tasty dinner of the classic Argentine dish, Milanese, at this popular local spot.

Day 4

  1. Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Rosario

    60 minutes

    Marvel at the grandeur and beauty of this impressive cathedral.

  2. Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes Juan B. Castagnino

    120 minutes

    Explore the extensive collection of fine art at this prestigious museum.

  3. Paseo del Siglo

    120 minutes

    Take a walk through the historical district and admire the well-preserved 19th-century architecture.

Day 5

  1. Jardín Botánico

    120 minutes

    Escape the city and immerse yourself in the tranquility of this peaceful botanical garden.

  2. Museo de la Ciudad

    120 minutes

    Learn about the city's fascinating history and development through interactive exhibits.

  3. Campito Refugio Bar

    120 minutes

    Relax and unwind while enjoying drinks and board games at this cozy, hidden bar.

Day 6

  1. Palacio Municipal

    60 minutes

    Take in the grandeur and majesty of this beautiful municipal palace.

  2. Faro de la Ciudad

    120 minutes

    Admire the stunning views of the city from the top of this lighthouse tower.

  3. Teatro El Círculo

    150 minutes

    Experience the city's vibrant performing arts scene with a matinee show at this stunning theater.

Day 7

  1. Monumento a la Bandera

    60 minutes

    Visit the iconic monument and symbol of Argentine independence and national pride.

  2. Parque de España

    180 minutes

    Relax and soak up the sun and fresh air at this beautiful park and cultural space.

  3. La Fluvial

    120 minutes

    Indulge in a delicious dinner and drinks with spectacular views of the Paraná River.

Estimated Cost (USD)


10-20 USD per night
30-60 USD per night
50-100 USD per night


Public Bus
0.30-0.50 USD per ride
7-15 USD per ride
4-10 USD per ride


Street Food
2-5 USD per meal
Mid-range restaurant
10-20 USD per meal
Fancy Restaurant
30-50 USD per meal


Museum Entrance Fee
5-10 USD
Guided Tour
20-50 USD per person
Wine Tasting Tour
30-70 USD per person

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