7 Days trip in Egypt

Budget: 1000 USD - 3000 USD Food exploration
Egyptcover image

Egypt is a North African and Middle Eastern country known for its ancient civilization, historic monuments, and cultural heritage.

General Infomation

Exchange Rate of 1 USD to EGP
EGP 30.93
️ 21.42°C
Best Way to Get Around

Day 1

  1. The Egyptian Museum

    180 minutes

    Explore the history of Egypt at one of the largest museums in the region.

  2. Koshary El Tahrir

    60 minutes

    Try the famous Egyptian dish Koshary at this local restaurant.

  3. Khan el-Khalili

    120 minutes

    Wander through the winding streets of Cairo's famous market, known for its handmade crafts and jewelry.

Day 2

  1. Pyramids of Giza

    240 minutes

    Marvel at the ancient pyramids, one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

  2. Abou Shakra

    90 minutes

    Indulge in authentic Egyptian cuisine at this local restaurant.

  3. Saqqara

    180 minutes

    Explore the lesser-known ancient burial ground of Saqqara, home to the Step Pyramid.

Day 3

  1. Citadel of Saladin

    120 minutes

    Visit the medieval Islamic fortifications and mosque in the center of Cairo.

  2. Felfela Restaurant

    90 minutes

    Savor Egyptian dishes at one of Cairo's most popular local restaurants.

  3. Al-Azhar Park

    120 minutes

    Relax and watch the sunset over the city at this scenic park.

Day 4

  1. The Hanging Church

    120 minutes

    Visit one of the oldest churches in Egypt, dating back to the 7th century.

  2. Feeling Caffeinated

    60 minutes

    Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea at this cozy cafe, perfect for a mid-day break.

  3. Cairo Tower

    120 minutes

    Experience panoramic views of the city from the top of this iconic tower.

Day 5

  1. Al-Muizz Street

    120 minutes

    Stroll down one of the oldest streets in Cairo, packed with historic buildings and monuments.

  2. Estoril Restaurant

    90 minutes

    Try a variety of Egyptian dishes at this cozy local restaurant.

  3. Islamic Art Museum

    120 minutes

    Explore the history of Islamic art at this stunning museum located in a restored palace.

Day 6

  1. Memphis

    120 minutes

    Visit the ancient capital city of Egypt, home to stunning sculptures and monuments.

  2. Taboula Restaurant

    90 minutes

    Enjoy Lebanese cuisine at this popular restaurant located in the heart of Cairo.

  3. Coptic Cairo

    180 minutes

    Explore the Christian history and culture of Egypt in this historic neighborhood.

Day 7

  1. Ain Sokhna

    480 minutes

    Take a day trip to the stunning beach town of Ain Sokhna, located just a few hours outside of Cairo.

  2. The Nile River

    120 minutes

    Enjoy a peaceful boat ride on the Nile River, the lifeblood of Egypt.

Estimated Cost (USD)


10-20 USD per night
50-100 USD per night
20-50 USD per night


0.25-0.50 USD per ride
2-5 USD per ride
5-10 USD per ride


Street food
1-3 USD per meal
Mid-range restaurant
10-20 USD per meal
Fine dining
30-50 USD per meal


The Egyptian Museum
10 USD entrance fee
Pyramids of Giza
15 USD entrance fee
Camel ride at the Pyramids
20 USD per hour

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