2 Days trip in France

Budget: 0 USD - 200 USD Beach activities City sightseeing Cultural experiences Food exploration Nightlife Festivals/events Historical landmarks
Francecover image

France, a country with a rich history and diverse landscapes, is known for its art, culture, cuisine, and iconic landmarks. From the romantic streets of Paris to the picturesque countryside and stunning coastline, France offers a captivating experience for visitors. With its world-class museums, vibrant cities, and charming villages, it is a destination that showcases a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity.

General Infomation

Exchange Rate of 1 USD to EUR
️ 7.88°C
Best Way to Get Around
TGV (high-speed train)
Vélib' (bike-sharing)

Day 1

  1. Calanques National Park

    240 minutes

    Explore the stunning limestone cliffs, crystal clear waters, and hidden beaches of the Calanques National Park. Take a boat tour or hike to experience this natural beauty up close.

  2. Le Panier

    120 minutes

    Discover the oldest quarter of Marseille, Le Panier. Wander through the narrow streets adorned with colorful facades, stop at traditional cafes, and taste the local delicacies like bouillabaisse and pastis at the charming restaurants.

  3. Le Cours Julien

    180 minutes

    Experience the lively atmosphere of the Cours Julien district, a hub for hipsters and artists. Sample various cuisines ranging from pizzas to African delicacies, and enjoy concerts, exhibitions, and street performances at the lively nightclubs and bars.

Day 2

  1. Notre-Dame de la Garde

    120 minutes

    Visit the iconic Notre-Dame de la Garde basilica, perched high on a hilltop, and marvel at the panoramic view of Marseille and the Mediterranean Sea. Admire the impressive architecture and learn about the historical and symbolic significance of this landmark.

  2. Old Port (Vieux-Port)

    180 minutes

    Stroll along the bustling Old Port, the heart of Marseille's commerce and culture, and indulge in the diverse culinary offerings. Try the famous bouillabaisse, freshly caught seafood, and local pastries, while watching the fishmongers and boats go in and out.

  3. Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations (MuCEM)

    120 minutes

    Immerse yourself in the fascinating history and culture of the European and Mediterranean civilizations at the MuCEM museum. Learn about the art, architecture, traditions, and identity of the diverse societies and their interactions, both past and present.

Estimated Cost (USD)


15-50 USD per night
Budget Hotel
50-100 USD per night
50-150 USD per night


2-3 USD for a single ticket
1-2 USD for a single ticket
10-20 USD per ride


Street Food
5-10 USD for a meal
Casual Dining
15-30 USD for a meal
Fine Dining
50-100 USD for a meal


Entry to Museums or Monuments
5-15 USD per person
Boat Tours
20-50 USD per person
Wine Tasting
10-30 USD per person

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