7 Days trip in Poland

Budget: 0 USD - 200 USD Nightlife
Polandcover image

Poland is a country in Central Europe with a rich history, vibrant culture, and beautiful landscapes. It is known for its music, literature, and art, and has experienced significant social and political change in recent decades.

General Infomation

Exchange Rate of 1 USD to PLN
PLN 4.06
Best Way to Get Around

Day 1

  1. Klub Studencki Żaczek

    180 minutes

    Check out live music at this student club in the heart of Wisła.

  2. Bar Orange

    120 minutes

    Grab a drink and socialize with locals and tourists alike at this cozy bar.

  3. W Hucie

    120 minutes

    Satisfy your late night hunger and try traditional Polish food at this rustic restaurant.

Day 2

  1. Skolnity Ski Resort

    360 minutes

    Hit the slopes and get your adrenaline pumping at this popular ski resort.

  2. Museum of Skiing in the Beskids

    120 minutes

    Learn about the history of skiing in the Beskids region and see vintage equipment and memorabilia.

  3. Wisla River Walk

    90 minutes

    Take a leisurely stroll along the picturesque Wisla river and enjoy the scenery.

Day 3

  1. Wisła Market Square

    180 minutes

    Explore the local market and browse handmade crafts and souvenirs.

  2. Stożek Lookout Tower

    60 minutes

    Climb to the top of this tower for stunning views of the surrounding area.

  3. Karczma Góralska u Jana

    120 minutes

    Experience traditional Polish hospitality and try local dishes and drinks at this charming restaurant.

Day 4

  1. Ustron Health Resort

    240 minutes

    Indulge in a spa day at this luxurious resort and take a break from the hustle and bustle of Wisła.

  2. Kobyla Skala Nature Reserve

    120 minutes

    Explore the stunning natural beauty of the Beskids at this nature reserve.

  3. Browar Zamkowy Cieszyn

    120 minutes

    Sample local beers at this historic brewery located in the charming town of Cieszyn.

Day 5

  1. Silesian Beskids Landscape Park

    120 minutes

    Hike through the stunning landscapes of Silesian Beskids Landscape Park and enjoy scenic views.

  2. Biały Krzyż

    120 minutes

    Unwind with a picnic in the peaceful and idyllic setting of Biały Krzyż.

  3. Blue Diamond Restaurant

    120 minutes

    Treat yourself to a fine dining experience and sample delicious Polish and European cuisine.

Day 6

  1. Museum of Wisła History

    120 minutes

    Learn about the fascinating history of Wisła and the Beskids region at this informative museum.

  2. Wisła Rafting

    240 minutes

    Get your adrenaline pumping and enjoy the scenic views with a river rafting excursion.

  3. Lumen Club

    180 minutes

    Dance the night away and enjoy live music performances at this popular club in nearby Szczyrk.

Day 7

  1. St. Anna's Mountain Chapel

    120 minutes

    Visit this historic mountain chapel and admire the beautiful architecture and panoramic views.

  2. Wisła Brewery

    120 minutes

    Take a tour of this local brewery and sample some of their best beer and traditional Polish snacks.

  3. Wisła Water Park

    240 minutes

    Splash around and cool off at this exciting indoor water park with multiple slides, pools, and a sauna.

Estimated Cost (USD)


10-25 USD per night
30-60 USD per night
20-40 USD per night


Public Transport
1-2 USD per ride
8-15 USD per ride
5-10 USD per ride


Street Food
2-5 USD per meal
Budget Restaurant
5-15 USD per meal
Fancy Restaurant
20-50 USD per meal


Entrance Fee for Wisla Museum
River Rafting on Vistula River
20 USD
Pub Crawl in Krakow
10 USD

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