7 Days trip in Italy

Budget: 3000 USD - 3000 USD City sightseeing Historical landmarks Outdoor adventures Wildlife exploration
Italycover image

Italy is a beautiful country with a rich history and culture, known for its art, architecture, fashion, and cuisine.

General Infomation

Exchange Rate of 1 USD to EUR
️ 15.33°C
Best Way to Get Around

Day 1

  1. Villa del Balbianello

    120 minutes

    Visit this beautiful villa and enjoy the scenic views of Como Lake. This place was used as a setting for many famous movies, including Star Wars: Episode II and Casino Royale.

  2. Como-Brunate Funicular

    60 minutes

    Take a ride on the funicular and enjoy the panoramic views of the city of Como and the surrounding hills.

  3. Piazza Cavour

    90 minutes

    Visit Piazza Cavour and enjoy the beautiful architecture of the surrounding buildings and the peaceful atmosphere of the square.

Day 2

  1. Bellagio

    180 minutes

    Take a ferry to Bellagio and explore the narrow streets and steep staircases of this charming town. Enjoy the beautiful views of Como Lake and don't forget to visit the beautiful Villa Melzi Gardens.

  2. Piani d'Erna Cable Car

    120 minutes

    Take a ride on the cable car and enjoy the breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and forests. Once at the top, you can go hiking and enjoy the nature and wildlife.

  3. Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta

    60 minutes

    Visit the beautiful cathedral and admire the Gothic and Renaissance architecture, and the beautiful paintings and frescoes inside.

Day 3

  1. Villa Carlotta

    120 minutes

    Visit this beautiful villa and enjoy the beautiful gardens, the scenic views of Como Lake and the beautiful art collections inside.

  2. Monte San Primo

    240 minutes

    Take a hiking trip to the top of Monte San Primo and enjoy the breathtaking panoramic views of Lake Como and the surrounding mountains.

  3. Faro Voltiano

    60 minutes

    Visit the lighthouse and enjoy the panoramic views of Como Lake and the surrounding mountains.

Day 4

  1. Baradello Castle

    120 minutes

    Visit the Baradello Castle and enjoy the beautiful views of Como Lake and the city of Como.

  2. Villa Olmo

    120 minutes

    Visit the beautiful Villa Olmo and enjoy the beautiful gardens and the historic architecture.

  3. Tempio Voltiano

    60 minutes

    Visit this beautiful temple and learn about the life and works of Alessandro Volta, the inventor of the electric battery.

Day 5

  1. Como-Brunate Trail

    240 minutes

    Take a hiking trip on the Como-Brunate Trail and enjoy the beautiful views of Como Lake and the surrounding mountains and forests.

  2. Brunate

    120 minutes

    Visit the town of Brunate and explore the narrow streets and beautiful architecture. Take a ride on the funicular for beautiful views of the surrounding mountains and forests.

  3. Lungolago

    120 minutes

    Visit Lungolago and enjoy the beautiful views of Como Lake and the atmosphere of the city of Como. You can also rent a pedal boat and enjoy a ride on the lake.

Day 6

  1. Villa Monastero

    120 minutes

    Visit the beautiful Villa Monastero and enjoy the beautiful gardens and the historic architecture.

  2. Castello di Vezio

    120 minutes

    Visit the beautiful Castello di Vezio and enjoy the beautiful views of Lake Como and the surrounding mountains.

  3. Varenna

    120 minutes

    Visit the charming town of Varenna and explore the narrow streets and beautiful architecture. Enjoy the beautiful views of Lake Como and the atmosphere of this beautiful town.

Day 7

  1. Isola Comacina

    240 minutes

    Take a ferry to Isola Comacina and enjoy the beautiful views of Lake Como and the charming atmosphere of this beautiful island.

  2. Gallio Palace

    120 minutes

    Visit the beautiful Gallio Palace and admire the beautiful architecture and the works of art inside.

  3. Lake Como Food Tours

    180 minutes

    Take a food tour and explore the local cuisine and culture of Como. Enjoy the beautiful views of Lake Como and the charming atmosphere of the city.

Estimated Cost (USD)






Street food
Fancy meal

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