7 Days trip in El Salvador

Budget: 0 USD - 1500 USD Festivals/events Shopping Historical landmarks City sightseeing Wildlife exploration Food exploration
El Salvadorcover image

El Salvador is a small Central American country with a rich history, beautiful landscapes, and a vibrant culture. It offers visitors stunning beaches, volcanoes to explore, and a chance to immerse themselves in the local traditions and cuisine. Despite its small size, El Salvador has a lot to offer for those seeking adventure, natural beauty, and cultural experiences.

General Infomation

Exchange Rate of 1 USD to USD
San Salvador
GMT -0600
Best Way to Get Around

Day 1

  1. Museo Nacional de Antropología David J. Guzmán

    120 minutes

    Visit the National Museum of Anthropology to learn about the history of El Salvador and its people.

  2. Mercado Central

    90 minutes

    Explore the bustling Mercado Central and sample traditional Salvadoran food and drink.

  3. Jardín Botánico La Laguna

    60 minutes

    Take a peaceful stroll through the botanical gardens and observe the variety of plants and animals.

Day 2

  1. Parque Nacional El Boquerón

    180 minutes

    Hike up to the crater of the active volcano to see stunning views of the surrounding forest and city.

  2. Plaza Libertad

    90 minutes

    Visit the Plaza Libertad to see the National Palace and other beautiful colonial buildings.

  3. Museo de Arte de El Salvador

    120 minutes

    Explore the Museum of Art, which exhibits Salvadoran and international art.

Day 3

  1. Calle La Reforma

    240 minutes

    Stroll along the trendy Calle La Reforma to shop at boutiques selling unique Salvadoran clothing and accessories.

  2. El Paseo de la Reforma

    180 minutes

    Visit the historic pier and watch local fishermen unload their catches at the fishing village in La Libertad.

  3. Playa El Tunco

    120 minutes

    Relax and enjoy the beautiful sunset at Playa El Tunco, where you can swim, surf, and watch the majestic pelicans fly by.

Day 4

  1. Parque Acuático San Luis La Herradura

    240 minutes

    Splash around in the pools, water slides, and lazy river at the San Luis Water Park, surrounded by lush tropical gardens.

  2. Playa San Blas

    180 minutes

    Take a scenic walk along Playa San Blas, where you can see a variety of exotic birds and experience the calm of the Pacific Ocean.

  3. San Salvador Cathedral

    60 minutes

    End your day with a visit to the grand and beautiful San Salvador Cathedral, an important landmark in the city.

Day 5

  1. Parque Arqueológico Joya de Cerén

    180 minutes

    Explore the Joya de Cerén Archaeological Park and see the well-preserved remains of a pre-Columbian farming village.

  2. Santa Tecla

    120 minutes

    Shop at the charming boutiques and enjoy delicious food at the local restaurants in picturesque Santa Tecla.

  3. Parque El Tunel

    60 minutes

    Take a walk through Parque El Tunel, an underground park with a beautiful illuminated tunnel stretching 300 meters long.

Day 6

  1. Teatro Nacional de El Salvador

    120 minutes

    Visit the iconic Teatro Nacional and appreciate the stunning neoclassical architecture and cultural significance.

  2. Zona Rosa

    180 minutes

    Shop for high-end designer brands, dine at open-air cafes, and admire the modern art on display in the trendy Zona Rosa.

  3. Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen

    60 minutes

    Explore the Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen to learn about El Salvador's history and current affairs through images and sound.

Day 7

  1. Lake Coatepeque

    240 minutes

    Take a boat ride on the tranquil waters of Lake Coatepeque and witness the local wildlife, flora, and stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

  2. Parque Nacional Los Volcanes

    180 minutes

    Hike up the stunning hills of Parque Nacional Los Volcanes and enjoy breathtaking views of the natural park.

  3. Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de La Concepción

    60 minutes

    End your day by taking a stroll and admiring the impressive baroque facade of the historic Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de La Concepción.

Estimated Cost (USD)


8-20 USD per night
30-70 USD per night
20-50 USD per night


0.25-1.50 USD per ride
5-20 USD per ride
3-15 USD per ride


Street Food
1-5 USD per meal
Local Restaurants
5-20 USD per meal
Fancy Restaurants
20-50 USD per meal


Historical Landmarks
0-15 USD per site
Wildlife Exploration
10-30 USD per activity
5-20 USD per event

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