4 Days trip in Colorado, United States

Budget: 0 - 500 USD Outdoor adventures
United Statescover image

Colorado is a state located in the western United States. It is known for its diverse geography, including the Rocky Mountains, high plains, plateaus, and desert lands. The state offers a wide range of outdoor recreational activities, including skiing, hiking, mountain biking, and river rafting. Colorado is also home to vibrant cities such as Denver, Boulder, and Colorado Springs, which offer cultural attractions, art galleries, shopping, and dining experiences.

Best Travel Debit Card
☁️ 29.76°C
Best Way to Get Around
Light Rail

  1. Estes Park

    Explore the scenic Rocky Mountain National Park, hike the trails, and take in breathtaking views of the mountains and wildlife.

    240 minutes outdoor nature Google Maps
  2. Boulder

    Take a leisurely walk and enjoy the serene surrounding of Boulder Creek Path. You can also rent a bike and enjoy the bike path.

    120 minutes outdoor sightseeing Google Maps
  3. Boulder

    Stroll through Pearl Street Mall, a pedestrian-only shopping district, and enjoy the street performers, unique boutiques and dine in one of the many restaurants.

    120 minutes shopping foodhunt Google Maps
  4. Morrison

    Enjoy a concert or just take a walk through Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre, a natural beauty furnished with stunning rock formations.

    180 minutes outdoor music