6 Days trip in Guatemala

Budget: 500 - 2500 USD Beaches City sightseeing Outdoor adventures Festivals/events Food exploration
Guatemalacover image

Guatemala is a country located in Central America, known for its rich culture and history, as well as its beautiful natural landscapes.

Exchange Rate of 1 USD to GTQ
GTQ 7.75
Best Travel Debit Card
Guatemala City
Mayan languages
🌧 20.28°C

  1. Flores

    Explore the ancient Mayan ruins of Tikal while on a guided tour through the national park.

    240 minutes outdoor adventure sightseeing Google Maps
  2. Flores

    Discover the history and culture of the Maya civilization at the Mundo Maya International Museum.

    120 minutes culture sightseeing Google Maps
  3. Livingston

    Hike up to San Felipe Castle for a stunning view of the Caribbean coast and the town of Livingston.

    120 minutes outdoor adventure sightseeing Google Maps
  4. Livingston

    Relax on the black sand beach while enjoying the sunset and waves crashing.

    120 minutes beach outdoor adventure